
A joke about chair selection: How to pick your perfect chair from thousands of "buttocks" like a detective!

Publish Time: 2024-07-16
When choosing a chair, you should consider the following key factors to ensure comfort and health:

Seat height: The seat height should be slightly less than the length of the calf, which is determined by the height of the popliteal fossa. If the seat is too low, the pelvis will tilt backward and the load on the waist muscles will increase greatly; if the seat is too high, the force will be concentrated on the bottom of the thigh, causing blood circulation disorders.

Seat angle: Keep it horizontal, so that the thigh is horizontal, the calf hangs on the ground, and the hip joint maintains a natural 90° state with the body. An unlevel seat angle is easy to form an incorrect sitting posture.

Seat width: Slightly larger than the size of the buttocks, it can effectively support the buttocks of the human body, and give the buttocks an appropriate range of motion, which is convenient for adjusting the sitting posture. A too narrow seat cannot effectively support the buttocks of the human body, resulting in uneven force on the buttocks, which is easy to cause muscle fatigue. ‌

The front-to-back depth of the chair surface: slightly less than the length of the thigh, so that the front end of the chair surface does not compress the popliteal fossa, or the chair back cannot effectively support the back, which leads to the appearance of an incorrect sitting posture. ‌

Backrest height: The backrest should match the height of the chair seat to ensure that the shoulder blades and waist are well supported. ‌

Armrests: The armrests should match the width and depth of the chair seat to ensure that the wrists and shoulders are well supported. ‌

Material: High-quality office chairs usually use high-quality materials, such as leather, mesh, etc., which are durable, comfortable and easy to clean. ‌

Headrest: For long-term desk workers or people who need to take a lunch break, the headrest can provide cervical support to help relax better during lunch break. ‌When purchasing an ergonomic chair, a design with a headrest is necessary. ‌

Lumbar support: The lumbar support is one of the core of an ergonomic chair, especially for people who sit for a long time and often suffer from back pain. ‌When choosing, pay attention to the support of the lumbar support. ‌

In addition, it is also important to choose different types of chairs according to specific usage scenarios. For example, office chairs usually have adjustable height, armrests, backrests, cushions and other parts to adapt to the physical needs of different people; the comfort and material of home chairs are also critical, while restaurant chairs need to consider stability and comfort to ensure the guest experience. ‌

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