
Six common misunderstandings when buying ergonomic chairs. Have you fallen into the trap?

Publish Time: 2024-06-03
Six common misunderstandings when buying ergonomic chairs

In the process of buying ergonomic chairs, people often fall into some misunderstandings, which either make many friends give up buying or make many people fail to buy ergonomic chairs that are really suitable for them. The following are six common misunderstandings when people buy ergonomic chairs:

1. "Price = quality"

Some people may think that the higher the price of the ergonomic chair, the higher its quality and comfort. In fact, this concept is not entirely accurate. Although there is indeed a certain relationship between quality and price, it is not absolute. In the market, we can find some moderately priced ergonomic chairs with good quality and comfort. The design and material selection of these chairs may be more in line with our needs than high-priced chairs. Therefore, when choosing an ergonomic chair, applicability and comfort should be the primary considerations, rather than just looking at the price.

2. Ergonomic chairs are universal

Since everyone's body shape, height, and weight are different, not all ergonomic chairs are suitable for everyone. Some chairs may be designed to be more suitable for tall people, while others may be more suitable for people with lighter weight. Therefore, when buying an ergonomic chair, we should choose a chair that can meet our special needs. In this regard, my advice is to go to the surrounding shopping malls to try it out, so that the effect is the best.

3. Think that ergonomic chairs are made of plastic

To be honest, this is the strangest idea I have ever heard about ergonomic chairs. In fact, a good ergonomic chair usually uses different materials in different parts, such as metal, wood, high-elastic foam, and fabric. These materials will provide different comfort and support. Therefore, when choosing an ergonomic chair, we should consider the overall material and structure of the chair, rather than simply thinking that they are all made of plastic.

4. Only look at the appearance and not the function

This is actually similar to the first point. Although an attractive chair may make us want to buy it at first sight, the design of ergonomic chairs focuses on functionality and comfort, not appearance. A good ergonomic chair must allow users to maintain a correct sitting posture and reduce the pressure on the back and neck. These functional characteristics cannot be reflected in the appearance. Therefore, when choosing an ergonomic chair, we should focus on its functionality and practicality, rather than simply being attracted by the appearance.

5. Ignore the adjustment function

The adjustment function is one of the most important features of ergonomic chairs, which can help us adjust the chair according to our physical needs and working environment. For example, we can adjust the seat height of the chair so that our feet are flat on the floor, or adjust the angle of the backrest to support our spine. At the same time, we can also adjust the position of the armrests to relieve our shoulder pressure. However, some people may ignore these important adjustment functions when buying ergonomic chairs, causing them to feel less comfortable than they imagined during use.

6. Think that ergonomic chairs are only needed when working

The use of ergonomic chairs is far more than just working. Whether you are working at home, playing games, or even reading, using an ergonomic chair can help you maintain a correct sitting posture and reduce physical fatigue. Therefore, don't think that ergonomic chairs are only needed when working. Any activity that requires long-term sitting can consider choosing an ergonomic chair.

Ergonomic chair purchase strategy

When purchasing an ergonomic chair, we need to consider the following six factors:

1. Comfort

In my opinion, comfort is the most basic requirement of an ergonomic chair and the primary consideration when we choose an ergonomic chair. This requires that the filling of the ergonomic chair needs to have good thickness and density, and the selected material can be suitable for long-term contact. At the same time, the design of the chair must be able to adapt to our body shape.

2. Number of backrest partitions

An ideal ergonomic chair should have a good backrest design that can support our back in partitions. This is because people's backs are not a straight line, but have their natural curves. A good ergonomic chair needs to have enough partitions to fit and support this natural curve of our back. Especially for the support of the waist, it is very important to relieve the back pressure caused by sitting for a long time. If the number of backrest partitions is insufficient, it may lead to reduced back support, and it is easy to get back fatigue or even pain after sitting for a long time.

3. Support

Support is an important criterion for evaluating an ergonomic chair. An ideal chair should be able to provide sufficient support for your body without affecting your activities. For example, the backrest needs to be flexible enough to support you when you lean back without preventing your natural activities; the seat also needs to be well designed so that you can maintain good blood circulation while sitting.

4. Neck support

Neck support is a key consideration for people who work in front of a computer for a long time. Good neck support can help prevent neck fatigue and pain, especially for people who need to look down at a computer or documents for a long time. The importance of neck support is self-evident.

5. Safety

Safety is a factor we need to consider when purchasing any product, and ergonomic chairs are no exception. A good ergonomic chair needs to have a stable base to prevent the chair from tipping over when in use. In addition, we also need to consider the durability of the chair. A durable chair can not only be used for a long time and avoid frequent replacement, but also ensure that we will not have accidents due to sudden damage to the chair during use. Choosing chairs that are made of high-quality materials and manufactured with good craftsmanship can usually get better safety and durability.

6. Wheels and rotation

Good mobility and rotation are essential features of high-quality ergonomic chairs. First, we need to consider the wheels of the chair. Good wheels allow you to move easily during work without getting up. This is helpful for those who need to move frequently or have a large workspace. In addition, the swivel function of the chair is also very important. The swivel function allows you to easily turn around and face different directions, which is very useful for people who need to face different directions to work. Especially in some small office spaces, the swivel function can help you make better use of the space.

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